Sunday, November 25, 2007

Reception with "The Singing Revolution" producers at NY Estonian House

Received word today that there will be a wine and cheese reception with the producers of "The Singing Revolution" Jim and Maureen Tusty.

Reception will be Thursday December 13, 2007 @ 6:30PM

at the New York Estonian House
243 East 34th Street (between 2nd & 3rd Aves)

I'm looking forward to meeting the director/producers Jim and Maureen Tusty and hope that their film will receive a broad reception when it starts playing in New York on December 14th.

Friday, November 23, 2007

info and links about 'The Singing Revolution'

Following are some links to resources about 'The Singing Revolution.' The youtube video titled 'Soviet Occupation' (2:24 long) I found particularly salient. Just yesterday after Thanksgiving dinner I was sitting with my grandfather as he relayed his experiences during the first Soviet occupation, including the first night of küüditamine.

review from Andres Sehr's blog
Canadian premiere - Andres Sehr's blog

Interview with director James Tusty

review from Jason Cherniak's blog

Review on Yahoo! News

Review by Harvey Karten - Member: NY Film Critics Online

The Baltic Times



movie website

'The Singing Revolution' movie website

Check out THE HISTORY section of the website for a good synopsis of Estonian history, especially the details concerning independence in 1918 and the period immediately thereafter.

Monday, November 5, 2007

'The Singing Revolution' in NYC

'The Singing Revolution' documentary film about Estonia's Singing Revolution is playing in New York City December 14-20, 2007.

Anyone want to go?

NY Eesti Maja Christmas party is scheduled for Friday, December 14th, I'm thinking I'd rather not wait and plan to see the movie opening night.

The theater where it's playing is in the East Village, Gunnar's old stomping grounds, another excuse to go, though not sure if McSorley's will have room for everyone if as many people show up as did at Eesti Maja last Saturday for LAAGRITE LAULUDE ÔHTU.