Wednesday, December 10, 2008

some ideas

What are the holidays all about, anyway? I had thought that Christmas was just about getting presents.

It’s sometimes hard to know which holiday gift is just right. On the way home today I heard one suggestion on the radio which appealed to me: Have everyone make a donation to another’s favorite charity. It may be just a little too intangible though, for some. If I had to pick a favorite charity, it probably would be the Boy Scouts of America, it’s one organization that certainly did a lot for me. I wonder if there is a BSA fund earmarked for the specific purpose of supporting volunteer units and trips.

Every year before Christmas, members of my family gently suggest that I should drop some hints for what I might like.

Even though it’s only two weeks to Christmas, I figured I’d try and articulate a few areas of interest to me at the moment, and related gift ideas, in the rare event that anyone’s interested. Please feel free to post a reply, suggestion, wry comment, your wish list, jne but keep in mind that because this is a seasonally appropriate post it will probably be coming down in a few weeks. Also, it's a public website on the world wide web, so the whole world just might be watching.

As some of you know, in September I undertook an adventurous diet and health experiment the end result of which was that I lost about 25 pounds in 4 weeks. I’ve gained a little back since then and I’ve been pretty good about hitting the gym and getting some regular exercise. In that vein, I figured I’d try to mix things up a little and maybe try yoga and more closely monitor my peak heart rate when running, rollerblading, or using the elliptical.

Fitness-related stuff ideas
Heart Rate Monitor
Yoga Mat
Book about how to do yoga
Sweat bands

The company that I have been working at for most of the last thirteen years this week announced it would shrink its global workforce by several thousand employees. May be a good time to evaluate career options.

Career/business-related stuff ideas
CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide
If such a thing exists, a gift certificate to Harry’s Shoes the only place where I feel confident that there will be a good selection of shoes in my size
gift certificates for clothes that would be suitable to wear to an interview

Because I embarked on my experimental health regimen in September, I missed a camping trip on Columbus Day weekend. I’m hoping that there will be other opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Of course, it's always nice to have the right gear.

Camping-related stuff ideas
Lots of cool s--t at, it’s hard to know where to start.
My brother pointed out that sleeping bag liners are one of many neat things one can find there.

If I have any great flashes of inspiration, I will add to this post.